Cannabis Germination & Seed Selection
Cannabis Germination & Seed Selection
An introductory class covering cannabis germination, selecting the right seeds and much more!
Service Description
At The New Grow Center, we offer a Cannabis Germination & Seed Selection class that is perfect for anyone looking to get started with growing their own cannabis plants. In this 1-hour class, our experienced team will guide you through the basics of cannabis germination and seed selection. You'll learn about the environmental factors that go into successful germination, how to identify quality cannabis seeds, and planting strategies to ensure healthy growth. We'll also cover cannabis genetics and the challenges that come with cultivating this versatile plant. Topics: - Introduction To Germination - Environmental Factors - Cannabis Seeds 101 - Sourcing & Quality Assessment of Seeds - Planting Strategies - Cannabis Genetics - Challenges in Cannabis Cultivation Join us for this informative class and begin your journey to becoming a successful cannabis grower!
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, please contact us 24-48 hours before scheduled consultation. Thank you!
Contact Details
New Grow Center Grow Store & Cannabis Academy
365b North Avenue, New Rochelle, NY, USA